Lekeu – Pierné

Marianne Piketty, violon & Laurent Cabasso, piano
Lekeu : Sonate pour violon et piano
Pierné : Sonate pour violon et piano
Fantaisie basque
Maguelone / Collection French soloists
Pierné – Sonate, 3rd movement
Le Monde de la musique, Jean Roy – September 2006
Marianne Piketty and Laurent Cabasso offer us an interpretation of Guillaume Lekeu’s Sonata that refuses any spectacular effect to retain melancholy and dreams. From the start of the first movement, they give this particular color that defines the composer’s art; to the « lively and passionate » who follows the « very moderate », they refuse what others have sometimes lavished with excess. Of a completely different character is the Sonata by Gabriel Pierné, whose facets shine with a communicative happiness, and finally the seduction of Basque Fantasy, a seduction that cannot be resisted thanks to the talents, so well matched , of the two performers.