Vivaldi Piazzolla, Saisons : D’un rivage à l’autre

Marianne Piketty, violin and direction
Jean-Marc Hoolbecq, stage direction mise
Stéphane Deschamps, light
The singularity of this show is to be met during the same musical moment two great masters, two sacred monsters, two styles, two eras, two continents, two inspirations: one pastoral, the other urban.
The dialogue is amazing, the meeting is luminous, the two writings hug, overlap, merge, end up forming a single body.
A body that requires only one thing, to vibrate, to move and to embrace space. The body of a musician when he is not in the pit, when he is not led by a conductor, shows remarkable vivacity; he is on the lookout, he is animal. We discover the sharpness of the looks, the precision of the gesture, of each sign. Bodies, faces, instruments, bows, draw the premises of a ballet.
It is important to make this concert not only a concert to listen to but also a concert to see, that the spectator can both receive the beauty of the score and the physicality of each musician. The choreographic writing will be a stage writing. It will be a question of building a space where musical rhythms and visual rhythms will harmonize. This architecture of space will be based on an extremely precise light scenography which will magnify the only two heroes of this adventure: music and musicians.
Jean-Marc Hoolbecq
dates à venir / coming soon
Le Monde
Une effusion musicale où crépitent comme au coin du feu, les âmes étourdies de Vivaldi et Piazzolla… superbement interprété.
Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace – December 2019
Un concert hors norme. Envoûtant. Époustouflant de fluidité.
La Terrasse – June 2018
Une salvatrice bouffée d’oxygène dans le Off » Festival d’Avignon.
L’Info Tout Court – 24 July 2018
Un pur régal. L’intensité ne faiblit jamais… Et puis, au détour d’une note, d’un son, d’un instant furtif : un frisson. Une larme….